Artistic policy

Written by Tim Lince, On behalf of the Trustees of Lowther Pavilion

Mission Statement

Lowther Pavilion and Gardens Trust aim to enrich the entire community of the Fylde (both local and the wider region) through the arts (performance, visual and written form) providing an affordable programme of innovative, challenging and enjoyable events, activities and projects in a stimulating and accessible environment.

This mission is based firmly on the belief that being involved in the arts can have a lasting and transforming effect on many aspects of the lives of individuals and communities, whose sense of identity and purpose can be changed through such engagement. The arts also provide a rich tapestry for cultural tourism.

Aims (The Pavilion Theatre and Arts Complex)

  • To provide a first rate Arts facility for Community and professional use in the area.
  • To provide a balanced core programme of entertainment and education.
  • To develop the areas of principal activity, as outlined below.
  • To quality assure, measuring customer satisfaction throughout the programme evaluating quality, creativity and missed opportunity.
  • To encourage creativity and participation.
  • To work in partnership with arts organisations, local educational establishments, community and support organisations and agencies.
  • To support artists with their professional development.
  • To support the amateur Arts community with skills development and professional mentoring.
  • To reach all sectors of the community.
  • To consider the development of a digital projection system that would allow us the opportunity to work as a cinema for certain weeks of the year or for daytime screenings when there are evening shows in the venue.

Aims (The Lowther Gardens within an arts forum)

  • To develop the parks as an arts space.
  • To encourage greater footfall and use of the park and it’s facilities through the use of Arts provision.
  • For the park and the Pavilion to become part of a joint vision in the provision of arts.

Core Programme (The Pavilion Theatre and Arts Complex)

  • To provide a core programme of a wide range of arts events and activities.
  • That programme to be a balance of professional activities of the highest creative excellence and innovation alongside a diverse amateur programme encouraging participation and creativity.
  • To provide a quality creative environment for participants to start up and grow.
  • To provide a well maintained venue for local groups and societies to participate in group activities.
  • To research the market and carefully select the programme, ensuring it is monitored regularly in order to maintain quality and develop the programme, introducing new ideas without alienating audiences.
  • To develop an arts exhibition area within the enlarged bar area to encourage use of the building and an improved visitor experience.

Core Programme (The Parks)

  • To further develop a performance programme for outdoor shows and arts work.
  • To develop a poetry walk through the park.
  • To encourage artists to use the facilities and space for visual arts.
  • To develop a painting room/ studio space for artists to document the changing face and seasons in the park.
  • To work with the master gardener in creating and designing a visual artists palette for the planting and development of the grounds.
  • To engage with the public in the development of horticultural and artistic collaborations.
  • To develop winter based activities in the park.

Areas of Principal Activity (Pavilion)

These have been identified as priority needs following an evaluation of the organisation’s current activities and the environment in which the Lowther Pavilion operates.

Children and Young People

  • To extend the range of arts activities, exhibitions and events for children and young people, aged 3 to 19.
  • To work in partnership with agencies, schools and local organisations, the Youth Clubs and local societies to ensure a comprehensive provision of arts activities to develop and stimulate young people.
  • To encourage the involvement of young people in the research, development and organisation of activities. (Youth Trustee Committee).
  • To explore joint opportunities with other Arts providers (such as the Blackpool Grand Education department) and other appropriate higher and further educational establishments.
  • To encourage creative enterprise in the young.
  • To develop holiday schemes for Children in artistic and creative practice.
  • The establishment of a Lowther Pavilion Youth Theatre.

Retirees and the Elderly Community

  • To extend the range of arts activities, exhibitions and events for the over sixties.
  • To work in partnership with community agencies and local organisations to develop a sustainable provision for arts and culture that is responsive to the needs of the community by providing activities that develop and stimulate the over sixties.
  • To encourage greater participation in the running of the venue through expanded friends and volunteer groups.
  • To develop an over sixties entertainment members forum that programmes and runs it’s own regular events and stages fortnightly theatre/variety productions that appeal to it’s own market. (Such as a Monday Club).
  • The establishment of an over sixties entertainment group. This may be in partnership with age concern to provide fitness through creative activity.


Nurturing and Incubating Emerging Artists

  • To provide short-term residencies for recently qualified artists.
  • To support emerging artists through provision of work-space, and networking to assist their professional development.
  • To link emerging artists with experienced successful local artists encouraging mentoring and coaching.
  • To provide performance and exhibition opportunities for emerging artists. (The development of the larger bar area in an exhibition space).
  • To promote the work of emerging artists beyond the Centre itself at other community venues.


Diversification through New Audiences

  • To research and develop activities based on the identified needs of the Community and known gaps in the artistic provision to attract new audiences.
  • To work with sectors of the community who do not presently access the core
  • programme of activities at the Pavilion Theatre.
  • In particular
    *Young People
    *Lone parents
    *Difficult to reach rural areas
    *Educationally disadvantaged
  • To work in partnership with agencies and local organisations to access these hard to reach sectors of the community.


In conclusion the Lowther Pavilion Trust will provide a venue that is welcoming, inclusive and open to all sections of the community that encourages experimentation and adventure within an artistic and cultural environment. We will provide a supportive environment for performers, writers, creative artists, technicians, community workers, educationalists, and amateur practitioners – all dedicated to the pursuit of excellence.

We will seek to reach those for whom, for a variety of social or cultural reasons, theatre/ arts is alienating or forbidding and provide access for the entire community.