Band of Names
Cement your dedication to our future and become a Band Of Name sponsor.
Our most exclusive fundraising campaign will enshrine your generous donation and commitment by etching a name of your choice into a physical band around the exterior of the whole building.
This is the perfect option if you’d like to proudly see your name or company name on show as a loyal supporter for generations to come.
The names will be etched on The Windmill Performance and Education Centre.
Ready to add your name to our building?
Donate £1000 per name.
Whilst we work towards reaching our fundraising target, your name will be featured on the screen in our foyer and on our website.
We would like to say thank you to all of the people who have already become a Band of Names donor:
Thank you to all our current Band of Names Sponsors
Andrew & Alisa Pemberton
Andrew McLaren
Angela Lee
Anthony Price
Anthony, Caroline, Li, Robins, Alison Martin Family
Arts Society Fylde
Ashton Theatregoers Society
Beryl Johnson
Bill & Lesley Comstive
Clifton Arms Hotel
Clifton Park Hotel
Colin Alexander
David A Webb
Doreen E. Hargreaves (Nee Dewar)
Duggie Chapman MBE
Emily Laws School of Acting
Exquisite Shoes
Friends of Lowther Gardens
Fylde Coast Players
Fylde Decorative & Fine Arts Society
Glyn & Hilary Holden
Harry & Sheila Collings
Hazel & Sandy Barnes-Taylor
Helical Technology LTD
Jack Fenton
James Cockayne & Helen Cracroft-Rice
Jean Holland
Johanna (Roche) McCreedy
John Stamp
Judy (Elaine) Armstrong
Lizzie Hardman
Lytham St Annes Lions Club
Maureen & Colin Green
Michelle Cuffe
Mike & Rosie Withers
Mr & Mrs Zell
Paul Rowley
Peter S Corkhill
Rotary Club of Lytham
St Annes Operatic Society
Stephen Howard
Sue Wood
Teresa & Joe Mallabone
The DJ Sidebottom/Glasdon Charitable Programme
The Friends of Lowther Pavilion
Tony & Barbara McKenna
Vera McLaren
Victoria Jane & Paul Anthony McKenna
Wells Family at Lancashire Brick & Tile LTD
Windmill Community Benefit Society
Zell-Em Group of Companies